
Logo Generator


## Description This is an application designed to provide the user with a simple logo.sgv that they can use for any projects or events.

## Table of Contents

## Installation Please be sure to have node.js installed on your computer. Clone the repo into your folder. Make sure you have jest and inquirer already installed as well.

## Usage Open up the application in your command line and answer the questions as best you can. This should provide a SVG file that will have your text, text.color, shape, and shape.color. Here is a quick video tutorial on how to use this app.

## License This project is covered under the mit License

## Contribution N/A

## Testing Please stress this app and let me know so that I can address any issues.

## Questions You can find the link to my application here. If you have any questions pertaining to Logo Generator, feel free to contact me.

## Contact Info